Should't this be a joyous occasion when you come out from the book shop with books?? Yes, it should, even though most of it comprised of reference books for studying purposes.... Ah, such is the life of a Pre- U student...........
I got myself text books for Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Malaysian Studies, and of course TWO CLASSIC NOVELS !!!!!! Woohoo~~~
Love is in the air~~ literally........
Apart from the fact that I need to study.... ( I really dislike the fact when my parents ask me to study all the time....) I understand that I NEED to.... but really I am sometimes losing my patience..... I know the hours I spent on my studies is comparatively less than the hours I spent on " relaxing", but when I study for one or two hours, I REALLY study, heart and soul...... Oh, if only they knew....... ( Perhaps, they knew....?? )
The two books that I bought are The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. I just finished reading The Secret Garden today, and it was a pleasant read. About the amazing touch of friendship, companionship and the magic of believing, not giving up........ I guess this is what God is trying to tell me........ All this while....
Just started reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and I am fascinated.... I like how he glues the story altogether with mystery, suspense and dry humour..... =) I'm slowly enjoying different genres of books apart from romance.....
I came across two very nice oldies today.
Smoke gets in your eyes by The Platters
And I love you so by Don McLean
=) Lovely day for books and songs , of course I studied too...... What a day~

Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Sense and sensibility
I have this book, and I just watched the movie. Wonderful!
Well to be honest, my first impression on this book of Jane Austen was rather boring. The book is so thick and obviously it doesn't have Mr Darcy in it. So, I didn't really take it seriously. In fact I didn't really read the book from cover to cover.... I skipped most of them, and jump to the parts where I find the MAIN characters ...... ( Sometimes, I feel as if my patience is the limit......)
Out of the blue, I thought of watching the movie to see the difference. There were many versions of movie done on this book. ( Jane Austen's books are simply amazing to be adapted into movies or drama series! ) But I chose to watch the one directed by Ang Lee starring Emma Thompson as Elinor, Kate Winslet as Marianne and Hugh Grant as Edward Ferrars.
I did not regret watching it. Maybe the introduction was a bit lengthy, but the characters were all well played. The emotions, expressions and even accents were professionally done..... Bravo!
Edwards Ferrars may not be my personal favourite Jane Austen hero, but he deserved my respect I suppose. He willingly sacrificed his rights as the eldest just to marry Elinor! And the words that he said to Elinor.... at her cottage, it was so, so touching!
" I-I've come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours. "
The script is well written. I am very much impressed. Colonel Brandon is a nice guy too. If he were to exist at our time right now, he will not be as popular as some movie stars, but he has a good heart. A man with a good heart will always go far. ( At least to me.. it is....) I'm glad that he and Marianne found love in each other. ( It's rather sad to see her cry because of an immature , good for nothing man, John Willoughby )
One must not stop to believe in love and happiness..... Have faith! =)
Well to be honest, my first impression on this book of Jane Austen was rather boring. The book is so thick and obviously it doesn't have Mr Darcy in it. So, I didn't really take it seriously. In fact I didn't really read the book from cover to cover.... I skipped most of them, and jump to the parts where I find the MAIN characters ...... ( Sometimes, I feel as if my patience is the limit......)
Out of the blue, I thought of watching the movie to see the difference. There were many versions of movie done on this book. ( Jane Austen's books are simply amazing to be adapted into movies or drama series! ) But I chose to watch the one directed by Ang Lee starring Emma Thompson as Elinor, Kate Winslet as Marianne and Hugh Grant as Edward Ferrars.
I did not regret watching it. Maybe the introduction was a bit lengthy, but the characters were all well played. The emotions, expressions and even accents were professionally done..... Bravo!
Edwards Ferrars may not be my personal favourite Jane Austen hero, but he deserved my respect I suppose. He willingly sacrificed his rights as the eldest just to marry Elinor! And the words that he said to Elinor.... at her cottage, it was so, so touching!
" I-I've come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours. "
The script is well written. I am very much impressed. Colonel Brandon is a nice guy too. If he were to exist at our time right now, he will not be as popular as some movie stars, but he has a good heart. A man with a good heart will always go far. ( At least to me.. it is....) I'm glad that he and Marianne found love in each other. ( It's rather sad to see her cry because of an immature , good for nothing man, John Willoughby )
One must not stop to believe in love and happiness..... Have faith! =)
Raising a child
Have this sudden urge to write a story about a mother who raised 7 sons, ( they are all adopted) after watching a drama and just because I feel like writing it. Writing it is easy, but raising a child for real??
I was accompanying my sister to bed just now. And it took her more than one hour to be quiet and eventually sleep. I couldn't imagine how my parents tolerated us, especially HER( well, I don't know much about myself, maybe not too BAD.....). Patience , you gotta need a little patience. Especially as you grow older, it's not that you don't want to be patient, but your body doesn't permit you..... I wonder how will I feel later when I have my own kids. I sure hope they will sleep as soon as possible when the light is turn off.
Raising a child is not only about making them sleep at night. It's about their health, their feelings, their studies , their future etc..... The list goes on and on.... I somehow feel that I will be nagging them when the time comes..... ( Maybe I will nag them in a cool way?? ) Everyone wants to be the good person at home, and let us admit this. Many a times, the mum has to be the BAD GUY.........
So, there goes another discovery today. I guess I shall remember this and try to be more understanding towards my parents, and of course my kids in the future.......
Apart from the fact that I studied something about the human heart , I managed to complete the Daily Three for today. Not too bad, eh? Hmmm, I hope I can really find the joy of studying once more. =)
I was accompanying my sister to bed just now. And it took her more than one hour to be quiet and eventually sleep. I couldn't imagine how my parents tolerated us, especially HER( well, I don't know much about myself, maybe not too BAD.....). Patience , you gotta need a little patience. Especially as you grow older, it's not that you don't want to be patient, but your body doesn't permit you..... I wonder how will I feel later when I have my own kids. I sure hope they will sleep as soon as possible when the light is turn off.
Raising a child is not only about making them sleep at night. It's about their health, their feelings, their studies , their future etc..... The list goes on and on.... I somehow feel that I will be nagging them when the time comes..... ( Maybe I will nag them in a cool way?? ) Everyone wants to be the good person at home, and let us admit this. Many a times, the mum has to be the BAD GUY.........
So, there goes another discovery today. I guess I shall remember this and try to be more understanding towards my parents, and of course my kids in the future.......
Apart from the fact that I studied something about the human heart , I managed to complete the Daily Three for today. Not too bad, eh? Hmmm, I hope I can really find the joy of studying once more. =)
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Facts about myself
Why would I blog about this , when I already know who I really am? The truth is, sometimes I " surprise" myself......
I watched a romantic comedy today. Beauty and the Briefcase starring Hillary Duff. ( Could have been a better movie if it doesn't have so much kissing and unwanted " scenes") But, still, it brings about a message, or rather a lesson. Nobody is perfect, and we can't be too quick in our judgement......
Facts about myself. Here we go.
1. I love books. ( Especially classics, mystery, clean romance, Christian books!!Well basically all books except for HORROR or too MAGICAL books...... )
2. I love watching movies ( terms and conditions are as the same as above)
3. I really look up to individuals that cares about God and their parents. ( Meaning, they mind their thoughts and deeds.......) I mean I know sometimes it can be a tough time for both parents and children, but I think somethings should just stay at home..... Even if you are having the blues, it should only be revealed and expressed at the right moment and to the RIGHT person.....
4. I love to sing. ( How can you not sing when you just feel like singing ALL THE TIME??? ) It's just a way of expressing myself. Sometimes I feel like Maria in The Sound of Music, or some Disney princesses..... Because of this fact, I made some nice friends and also made several people do the " fish eyeball effect" ( It's plain staring..... very WEIRD....)
5. I can be an introvert and extrovert , depending on situations. ( Some call this split personality, I call it originality! )
6. I can be easily annoyed and easily pleased. ( It's very easy to make me smile. You just to need to smile at me, that's it.... =)
7. I love to be with happy individuals and also people who are " weak" yet strong! ( Like some cancer patient in hospital who remains positive! )
8. I love eating any fruits. ( Maybe not much of durian, once in a while will be lovely )
9. I love to write my own story. ( This is the consequences of the hobby of daydreaming, I guess.....)
10. I would love to meet a guy who has the same facts as me someday. ( No, we will just be friends....unless God makes something beautiful in His time.)
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Discover, Grow and Love
I guess this should be my motto for the entire holiday, or rather, my whole life??
Yes, this would be it.
A week, or two has since passed, and I am enjoying holiday, though I am aware of the fact that I need to buckle up and study..... This is the confession of a Pre -U student while having her holidays........ Sigh oh dear ..... sigh.......
I have read an article about how to manage our time on Reader's Digest. ( I simply love the old ones better..... it's more compact, and more genuine....) It talks about performing the " Daily Three" , meaning you list down three things that you want to accomplish in a day..... I tried it, and it's quite successful!! HAHAHAHA, yes, I'm not joking........
I tried out with this very simple example.
1. Finish my MUET homework
2. Read The Purpose Driven Life
3. Blogging
It worked, and it gives you a HUGE sense of achievement. Seriously. ( You should try it someday....)
* This is what I discovered @ 1
By reading the Purpose Driven Life, I have also discovered about what God wants for us, the best for us! I find myself nodding in agreement each time I read this book. I couldn't be more thankful that God has chosen me to be ME, and not some random people outside there.
I came across this scripture,
" For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2.10
Isn't this beautifully put?
* Discovery @ 2
Patience, this is by far the hardest fruit of the spirit that one needs to "master". Sometimes, the people that really test your patience is, no doubt the people closest to you. ( You should know what I mean.....) And it's not BIG matters, but simply just petty issues......
I don't know, sometimes PETTY issues do more HARM than BIG issues..... ( at least, it is.... in my case........) I just hope I will be more patient, to whom it may concern......... =)
I think self control is tough too...... Especially when it comes to Internet and good food...... sigh...... I hope God will grant me the strength to be VICTORIOUS! ( I watch this series, and it's really nice! )
* Discovery @3
So, now what? Growing process..... Once again, I am a part of the choir team for Christmas. Exams and school life have made me passive, and I became a couch potato...... sort of...... Somehow, I am in , this time as a conductor.... I think God is trying to remind me about the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart. <3
I hope that everything will run smoothly, all glory to God.
Love. Love is the greatest gift that God has gave us. Of course, there are different types of love in this world. I used to think that the love between a man and a woman is amazing, BUT now I know that nothing can ever be compared to God's love to us. There will be a sense of emptiness in us forever if God's love is not flowing in us. I remembered what my pastor preached last Sunday on what should we say if we meet God one day. I seriously don't know.... I have nothing to say for myself, apart from the fact that I haven't done enough and I am not a good person...... ( What a relieve that I am awake now....)
I felt really bad, because sometimes I think I am a better friend than a better daughter and sister. I hope God can fix this........... Amen.
So, Discover, Grow and together with me, alright?
Yes, this would be it.
A week, or two has since passed, and I am enjoying holiday, though I am aware of the fact that I need to buckle up and study..... This is the confession of a Pre -U student while having her holidays........ Sigh oh dear ..... sigh.......
I have read an article about how to manage our time on Reader's Digest. ( I simply love the old ones better..... it's more compact, and more genuine....) It talks about performing the " Daily Three" , meaning you list down three things that you want to accomplish in a day..... I tried it, and it's quite successful!! HAHAHAHA, yes, I'm not joking........
I tried out with this very simple example.
1. Finish my MUET homework
2. Read The Purpose Driven Life
3. Blogging
It worked, and it gives you a HUGE sense of achievement. Seriously. ( You should try it someday....)
* This is what I discovered @ 1
By reading the Purpose Driven Life, I have also discovered about what God wants for us, the best for us! I find myself nodding in agreement each time I read this book. I couldn't be more thankful that God has chosen me to be ME, and not some random people outside there.
I came across this scripture,
" For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2.10
Isn't this beautifully put?
* Discovery @ 2
Patience, this is by far the hardest fruit of the spirit that one needs to "master". Sometimes, the people that really test your patience is, no doubt the people closest to you. ( You should know what I mean.....) And it's not BIG matters, but simply just petty issues......
I don't know, sometimes PETTY issues do more HARM than BIG issues..... ( at least, it is.... in my case........) I just hope I will be more patient, to whom it may concern......... =)
I think self control is tough too...... Especially when it comes to Internet and good food...... sigh...... I hope God will grant me the strength to be VICTORIOUS! ( I watch this series, and it's really nice! )
* Discovery @3
So, now what? Growing process..... Once again, I am a part of the choir team for Christmas. Exams and school life have made me passive, and I became a couch potato...... sort of...... Somehow, I am in , this time as a conductor.... I think God is trying to remind me about the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart. <3
I hope that everything will run smoothly, all glory to God.
Love. Love is the greatest gift that God has gave us. Of course, there are different types of love in this world. I used to think that the love between a man and a woman is amazing, BUT now I know that nothing can ever be compared to God's love to us. There will be a sense of emptiness in us forever if God's love is not flowing in us. I remembered what my pastor preached last Sunday on what should we say if we meet God one day. I seriously don't know.... I have nothing to say for myself, apart from the fact that I haven't done enough and I am not a good person...... ( What a relieve that I am awake now....)
I felt really bad, because sometimes I think I am a better friend than a better daughter and sister. I hope God can fix this........... Amen.
So, Discover, Grow and together with me, alright?
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Books, books, books.....
While other girls go crazy with pop singers, branded clothes and shoes, I go crazy at the sight of books!! If only I have a big library and lots of book vouchers...... My ideal present for any occasion is none other than a book... ( Apart from horror book of course......)
A . Anne of Green Gables series comprising of
1 Anne of Green Gables
2 Anne of Avonlea
3 Anne of the Island 1
4 Anne of Windy Poplars (US & Canada)
Anne of Windy Willows (Other)
5 Anne's House of Dreams
6 Anne of Ingleside
7 Rainbow Valley
8 Rilla of Ingleside
I already have Anne of Green Gables, and I am already in love with Anne Shirley and of course, Gilbert Blythe!!!!
B.Little Women. Sisterhood and a bit of romance, a great recipe for a great book. At least it is to me....
( I have read this book, looking forward to the sequel- Good Wives) =)
C. The Blue Castle
D. Kilmeny of the Orchard
E. Northanger Abbey
F. Christian books!!! =)
1. A Voice in the Wind by Fracine Rivers
2. Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke
G. Sherlock Holmes series......( Have been in love with mystery and suspense lately.....)
H. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
I. THe Untold Story by Monica Ali
J. To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee
K. THe Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
L. I Capture the Castle
I guess this is all for the time being.... We'll see !! =D I'm hoping someone will buy me one of these books for my birthday present or Christmas presents..... Hoping......... who knows, who knows........
A . Anne of Green Gables series comprising of
1 Anne of Green Gables
2 Anne of Avonlea
3 Anne of the Island 1
4 Anne of Windy Poplars (US & Canada)
Anne of Windy Willows (Other)
5 Anne's House of Dreams
6 Anne of Ingleside
7 Rainbow Valley
8 Rilla of Ingleside
I already have Anne of Green Gables, and I am already in love with Anne Shirley and of course, Gilbert Blythe!!!!
( I have read this book, looking forward to the sequel- Good Wives) =)
C. The Blue Castle
D. Kilmeny of the Orchard
E. Northanger Abbey
F. Christian books!!! =)
1. A Voice in the Wind by Fracine Rivers
2. Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke
G. Sherlock Holmes series......( Have been in love with mystery and suspense lately.....)
H. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
I. THe Untold Story by Monica Ali
J. To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee
K. THe Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis
L. I Capture the Castle
I guess this is all for the time being.... We'll see !! =D I'm hoping someone will buy me one of these books for my birthday present or Christmas presents..... Hoping......... who knows, who knows........
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Hold on, I know this is actually very expected but here's my thoughts about the latest James Bond movie-Skyfall.
Skyfall. An image of Daniel Craig falling from the sky. That's my initial thought when I saw the advertisement of the movie. Can't blame it on me though, in the previous movies James Bond always have a scene where he either falls down with the help of a parachute, a rope, or what ever it is, he will just fly down and that's it. Mission accomplished.
The first scene shows James Bond on a mission in Istanbul, looking for a man who killed his fellow agent. Thus beginning the chasing game between Bond and the other man, from the normal routes, up on the roof riding motorcycles, and playing Bob the builder on a train. How cool is that. Then the climax came when his fellow lady agent was asked to shoot the other man while both of them were fighting up on the train. M , the head of M 16 asked her to take a shot, and you all might guessed it, Mr Bond won the first prize of the jackpot! He was shot and he was " skyfalling" till he fell into a river, or sea.... Then, the song Skyfall began to play..... Very creepy...... We all thought that he was dead, but common sense will tell us that James Bond will not die.... that early in the story, right??
James Bond soon returned to London upon watching the news of London getting attacked by some unknown " individual". Apparently, his injuries during the last mission in Istanbul took a hold of him, that he failed his test to be an agent...... Double blow.......... But M lied to him, and sent him to Shanghai to find the real man behind all these things. She herself was facing some hard time personally.
( Wait, why am I telling the whole story out now??)
To cut the long story shot, that person wanted to kill M and James Bond , being James Bond had to protect her. Yes, even bringing her all the way to Scotland, and voila Skyfall-- his house! It was at Skyfall that the final battle between the bad guy and James Bond occur. Sadly, it was also the place where M died...........
( I hope you have watched the movie, didn't mean to provide any spoilers here)
Overall, I find Skyfall very entertaining. I like the fact that it is not only chasing bad guys, going after Bond girls but it also deals with human emotions and family ties. We get to know about James Bond's sad past and his love-hate relationship with M ( played by Judi Dench brilliantly ). Well, who doesn't like a guy who wins against evil, all the time????
There is one thing that I dislike about the movie though.... The occasional not so pleasant language / words used during the dialogues...
Rating : 9/10
Skyfall. An image of Daniel Craig falling from the sky. That's my initial thought when I saw the advertisement of the movie. Can't blame it on me though, in the previous movies James Bond always have a scene where he either falls down with the help of a parachute, a rope, or what ever it is, he will just fly down and that's it. Mission accomplished.
The first scene shows James Bond on a mission in Istanbul, looking for a man who killed his fellow agent. Thus beginning the chasing game between Bond and the other man, from the normal routes, up on the roof riding motorcycles, and playing Bob the builder on a train. How cool is that. Then the climax came when his fellow lady agent was asked to shoot the other man while both of them were fighting up on the train. M , the head of M 16 asked her to take a shot, and you all might guessed it, Mr Bond won the first prize of the jackpot! He was shot and he was " skyfalling" till he fell into a river, or sea.... Then, the song Skyfall began to play..... Very creepy...... We all thought that he was dead, but common sense will tell us that James Bond will not die.... that early in the story, right??
James Bond soon returned to London upon watching the news of London getting attacked by some unknown " individual". Apparently, his injuries during the last mission in Istanbul took a hold of him, that he failed his test to be an agent...... Double blow.......... But M lied to him, and sent him to Shanghai to find the real man behind all these things. She herself was facing some hard time personally.
( Wait, why am I telling the whole story out now??)
To cut the long story shot, that person wanted to kill M and James Bond , being James Bond had to protect her. Yes, even bringing her all the way to Scotland, and voila Skyfall-- his house! It was at Skyfall that the final battle between the bad guy and James Bond occur. Sadly, it was also the place where M died...........
( I hope you have watched the movie, didn't mean to provide any spoilers here)
Overall, I find Skyfall very entertaining. I like the fact that it is not only chasing bad guys, going after Bond girls but it also deals with human emotions and family ties. We get to know about James Bond's sad past and his love-hate relationship with M ( played by Judi Dench brilliantly ). Well, who doesn't like a guy who wins against evil, all the time????
There is one thing that I dislike about the movie though.... The occasional not so pleasant language / words used during the dialogues...
Rating : 9/10
Friday, 16 November 2012
A Time for Everything
Tis the season to be jolly! Apart from the fact that Christmas is just around the corner, I am now enjoying my semester break! Remember my previous post? My numberone list : Finish my novel.
I have completed my novel- A Time for Everything.
At first, I couldn't think of a decent title for this novel that I have written for my best friend, Tiffany. But as I was going through the Bible, I read Ecclesiastes and saw the subtitle for Chapter 3- A Time for Everything! That was it! Although I only briefly mentioned about the title at the very end of the story, but I think it sums up the whole story. For everything to happen, there is a time for everything. Family, friendship or any other form of relationships, so to speak....
I really felt very satisfied and thankful to God for being able to complete the novel! It was as if I am on top of the world. Being an author is always my dream job! I will always write, as long as I have breath...... =)
So, let me introduce to you the characters of my book...... ( Please bear with me that this is just some suggestions.....)
Tiffany Wise, a writer for a popular magazine, Unique You in modern day, a librarian for the Johnson family in 19th century at Camellia Park
(Carey Mulligan )
I have completed my novel- A Time for Everything.
At first, I couldn't think of a decent title for this novel that I have written for my best friend, Tiffany. But as I was going through the Bible, I read Ecclesiastes and saw the subtitle for Chapter 3- A Time for Everything! That was it! Although I only briefly mentioned about the title at the very end of the story, but I think it sums up the whole story. For everything to happen, there is a time for everything. Family, friendship or any other form of relationships, so to speak....
I really felt very satisfied and thankful to God for being able to complete the novel! It was as if I am on top of the world. Being an author is always my dream job! I will always write, as long as I have breath...... =)
So, let me introduce to you the characters of my book...... ( Please bear with me that this is just some suggestions.....)
Tiffany Wise, a writer for a popular magazine, Unique You in modern day, a librarian for the Johnson family in 19th century at Camellia Park
(Carey Mulligan )
Celyn Shirley, a wedding planner, owner of Amazing Grace Journey, an active " businesswoman" in 19th century, alongside Mr David Scott at Filbert Park. Best friend of Tiffany Wise.
(Gemma Arterton)
James Johnson/ James Bond, a doctor in modern 21st century, a merchant by profession, and son of Thomas and Emily Johnson, brother of Joanna Johnson, cousins of Sebastian and Amelia Watson, best friend of Mr David Scott.
(Christian Cooke )
Joanna Johnson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnson. An established pianist, good friend of Tiffany Wise and Celyn Shirley, love interest of Vincent Hamilton.
( Imogen Poots)
Sebastian Watson, son of Mr and Mrs Watson, brother of Amelia Watson, love interest of Jasmine Roberts.
( Jamie Bell )
Amelia Watson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Watson, sister of Sebastian Watson, love interest of Dr William Barry.
( Kimberly Nixon)
David Scott/David White, civil engineer in modern 21st century, merchant, nephew of Matthew and Mark Roberts.
( Ben Barnes)
Jasmine Blake/Jasmine Roberts, daughter of Mr Matthew Roberts, good friend of Celyn Shirley and Tiffany Wise, resident at Filbert Park.
(Felicity Jones )
Mr James Edwards, writer and romantic poet, nephew of Mr Charles Collins
(Tom Sturridge)
Prince Andrew Eduardo, prince and merchant from Spain, fell in love with Tiffany Wise, mother is an English.
( Max Irons)
That's what I think about the casting based on first impressions. =)
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Plans, plans , plans....
Exams are finally over!!! What is more exciting about this is that holiday , too is just around the corner....
My plans for holidays! Here it is.
1. Complete my novel
2. Watch some nice movies
3. Read some interesting books
4. Sleep well
5. Eat well
6. Drive well
7. Enjoy life as it is
I know, I know it's kinda boring but this is what my ideal holiday would be, lazing around at home, doing a list of my favourite things....
Travelling around the world would need to be on hold....... ;)
My plans for holidays! Here it is.
1. Complete my novel
2. Watch some nice movies
3. Read some interesting books
4. Sleep well
5. Eat well
6. Drive well
7. Enjoy life as it is
I know, I know it's kinda boring but this is what my ideal holiday would be, lazing around at home, doing a list of my favourite things....
Travelling around the world would need to be on hold....... ;)
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