I can't believe it's October now.... Now. In two weeks time, I'll be sitting for my major exam. ( Pre-U first semester) Creepy..... Maybe not.....
I know I know, I have not been blogging for the past few months, reasons being I am BUSY , BUSY and you guess it right BUSY....... I guess this is a life of a student, right?
Looking at my previous blog post and some of the blogs that I'm following, I'm very happy that I made the choice to blog. Honestly speaking, I do have a special and amazing feeling for words.
*It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away.........*
Enough of some long winded intro, I'm here to enlightened you guys on what is going on now.....The subject is of course Yours Truly.....
It is a roller coaster ride, with new environment, new friends, " new" grades...... Sometimes, I don't even know myself...... But through it all by God's grace, I am slowly seeing the light, the source of my strength. If not for God, I can't imagine what will I do...... Studying is a responsibility that everyone needs to embrace, like it or not, this is how the system works. I'm still adjusting my sail in this journey. I wonder what hurdle will come next??
Of course, I have not forgotten my books and movies. They are my continuous stuff for entertainment. Nowadays, I truly treasure the joy of laughter. Seriously.
I've been working on a book lately, that deals with time travelling and so forth....... Not to change the future , but in a way to experience things .....( I'll just write it out..........after my exams of course....)
Falling in love is a little out of question now, because I have so many things to think about. I am constantly reminded by Him that no greater love can be compared to His love.
After all that has been said, all that is left is actions that need to be taken. I really appreciate your prayers for me and my family for this one whole month. God bless you too, even as you are reading this.
I strongly believe that when something good fades away, something good is on the way. =)
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