I signed up for this camp, with my class mate, Jia Wearn. I actually looked forward to this camp as it is a way of relieving my stress after the oh- so - scary STPM...... Actually I wasn't quite aware of the fact that the camp is very outdoor and adventure based...... ( Yours Truly is exactly the polar opposite)
Anyway, I went there with my friend and we were somehow quite taken aback when we learnt that we're sleeping in " containers" and we need to walk to our bathroom. Not only that, we 'll need to wash our own plates after eating. Now that was really UNEXPECTED!! Lol........... After a short briefing we were told to change into a more casual attire so as to prepare for the wet games session. The number one task we have to do as a team is to build a raft out of bamboo sticks and all , I mean ALL, the 18 of us have to seat on the raft, and kayak one round at the pond ........... What were we expecting actually??? I had no idea how to build a raft, but thank God we had the guys in our team that were formerly Scouts. Apparently they knew how to tie the bamboo sticks together and somehow make it happen. ( From that moment, I decided, that if I ever have a son, I'll ask him to be a Scout, no matter what, seriously ) And, off we go, kayaking and shouting, while we were all seated on the raft...... There was one occasion I fell into the pond and my leg got entangled with the rope....Nope, no Prince Charming came and save me, and do what so ever CPR. Even if there was really a Prince Charming, he will just ask you to stay calm because you're wearing a life jacket. Hahahahahahahahahaha.......

That's our team - The Overcomers. Can you spot me ? =)
I can't believe I did this.......... It was a nice experience though..... =)
The second day was THE day!! Climbing Broga Hill was the first thing we have to do in the morning, at 5 in the morning. I didn't sleep during the first night, as it was SO cold!!! I was really shivering, and it was so tiring for me .... Now for the climbing part, it was still bearable at first, but as we climbed towards the steep hills and rocks, I almost felt that I will die there, really. I was gasping for air, and I was very afraid of height. I was sweating and was so close to crying when I climbed the hill. Thank God for Jia Wearn and the patient instructors that grabbed my hands and assured me that I can make it. And I made it through, all glory to God.
After that, what next? I didn't want to go down!!! Climbing up is scary enough, what more going down? The first thought that went through my mind is that I should have stayed at home instead........ But Pastor Timothy and the rest prayed for me, and I felt that God wanted me to indeed be an overcomer and overcome this fear that has been with me all these years. So, I decided to climb down the hill, with the assistance of the rest of course. Faith and Pastor Timothy were kind enough to hold my hands while going down the hill, and Amen indeed, I did it!!!! I still can't believe it! Next we had another session, and it was slightly better as it was no so much of a wet game. But there was one game that really made me crumble..... The balancing game, where I got so frustrated when I attempted it for the 5th time, that I burst out and cried. ( That was such an emotional one, apart from the fact that our team lost because of this game, it was also an internal battle and struggle within me) The instructor, Wyman ( May God bless him ) allowed me to continue the game by starting half way, he even helped to support me, and I made it through! He encouraged me and asked me to trust myself and God. =) After hearing that, I tried again and I did it!!
I quickly hugged Jia Wearn after the whole drama. ( It was a bit embarrassing , but it was really tears of joy and relief ) What a day!
The third day was also a nice one, when we figured out who was our angel and mortal during the camp. Michelle was my angel ( lol, I thought it was her cousin, hahahaha ) Jia Wearn was my mortal, how easy and HARD was that, eh? She was so close to me, and wouldn't it be so obvious if I suddenly become TOO GOOD to her? But of course, I think I played my role well. Hahaha.
I'm grateful to God for what He has done for me and my friends during this camp. Never in my wildest dreams that I expect myself to go through all these activities. I had make God so small, and even gave up on myself. But thank God He carried me and He loves me so much! =)