Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Billy : The Early Years

My blog is slowly becoming like a site for movie reviews...... Well in just one week time, all these things will come to a halt...... School is reopening..........

While browsing through some movies on the Internet, I came across a movie made on Billy Graham, the evangelist. Since I happened to know about him, I decided to watch this movie.

I think this movie is made up of 60 % fact, and 40 % fiction. I have to constantly check on the true details about Billy's life as I watched the movie. It is told by a third person, Charles Templeton, who was once a preacher that became an atheist. He was also Billy Graham's best friend. His life was really a sad one.

This movie centers on how Billy became convicted in his heart at a young age to know more of God's love and knowledge. How God directed to the right woman, who is beautiful but yet so spiritual at the same time, and how he remained firm even though his friend Charles tried to persuade him to embrace atheism.

This movie is really an eye opener. It also gives me the thought of having faith , and to just believe in God. Even though our God is an ever loving God, he is also a God of justice and wrath. We can never comprehend the wonders of God.

Real young Billy Graham 

As portrayed in the movie

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